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Elevate Your Cyber Incident Response with ATTACKIFY’s TableTop Gym


Introducing Table Top Exercises

In today’s rapidly evolving cyber threat landscape, being prepared for a security incident is crucial. That’s why we’re excited to introduce our new TableTop Exercises feature in ATTACKIFY. This tool is designed to help organizations practice and refine their incident response strategies in a safe, controlled environment.

The Value of TableTop Exercises

Tabletop exercises are collaborative, discussion-based sessions where team members meet to discuss their roles and responses during an emergency. In the context of cybersecurity, these exercises offer several key benefits:

Improved Preparedness: They help teams understand their roles and responsibilities during a cyber incident.
Identify Gaps: Exercises often reveal gaps in existing incident response plans.
Team Cohesion: They foster better communication and collaboration among team members.
Risk-Free Learning: Teams can practice responding to incidents without real-world consequences.
Compliance: Many regulatory frameworks require regular testing of incident response plans.

ATTACKIFY‘s TableTop Scenario Feature

Our new feature brings the power of tabletop exercises to your browser. Here’s what you can expect:

Diverse Scenarios: We offer a range of cybersecurity scenarios, from ransomware attacks to data breaches, covering various threat types and actors.

Step-by-Step Workflow: Each exercise guides you through a structured process:
  - Setting objectives
  - Presenting the initial scenario
  - Introducing new information (injects)
  - Facilitating discussion
  - Summarizing findings and action items

Timed Challenges: Experience the pressure of real-world incidents with timed response sections.

Hint System: Access helpful hints categorized by different aspects of incident response (Procedural, Technical, Communication, Legal, Management).

Progress Saving: Your responses are saved locally in your browser, allowing you to pause and resume exercises as needed.

Privacy-Focused: All exercise data is stored locally within your browser, ensuring your sensitive discussions remain private.

How to Use ATTACKIFY‘s TableTop Exercises

Select an Exercise: Choose from our library of scenarios, each designed to test different aspects of your incident response capabilities.

Set Objectives: Define what you want to achieve with the exercise.

Work Through the Scenario: Read through the initial scenario and respond to questions and challenges.

Adapt to New Information: As the exercise progresses, you’ll receive new information (injects) that may change your response strategy.

Utilize Hints: If you’re stuck, use provided hints to guide your thinking and decision-making.

Review and Learn: At the end of each exercise, summarize your findings and identify areas for improvement in your incident response plan. Download and save your data.

ATTACKIFY Cyber TableTop Scenarios

Developing Your Own Scenarios

While ATTACKIFY provides a range of pre-built scenarios, the real power of tabletop exercises comes from customization. Use our exercises as a template to create scenarios that are specific to your organization’s threat landscape, infrastructure, and processes.

Consider these steps when developing your own scenarios:

Identify Relevant Threats: What are the most likely or impactful threats to your organization?

Map to Your Infrastructure: How would these threats interact with your specific systems and data?

Involve Key Stakeholders: Who needs to be involved in responding to different types of incidents?

Create Realistic Injects: What kinds of complications or new information might arise during an incident?

Define Clear Objectives: What do you want your team to learn or practice in each exercise?


ATTACKIFY‘s TableTop Exercises is more than just a training tool – it’s part of a platform for continuously improving your organization’s cyber resilience. By regularly conducting these exercises and taking advantages of our attack simulations, phishing simulations and attack surface recon & scanning, you can ensure your team is well prepared to face real-world cyber threats with confidence and competence.

Start exploring our TableTop Exercises today and take the first step towards a more robust incident response capability.

Sign up for a free ATTACKIFY account and experience the full suite of our cybersecurity tools, including Attack Simulations, Security Control Audits, Phishing Simulations, and Attack Surface Recon and Scanning.

Remember, in the world of cybersecurity, practice doesn’t just make perfect – it makes prepared!